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National (Brazilian) Cooperation Projects


PROCAD/CAPES “Ecology, Genetics and Conservation of the Cerrado, Amazon and Atlantic Forest”, among the Graduate programs in Ecology and Evolution (UFG), Zoology (UFPA/Museu Emilio Goeldi) and "Ecology and Biodiversity" (UNESP - Rio Claro), started in 2017. Coordination: Profa. Dr. Rosane G. Collevatti, UFG


PROMOB ("Academic Mobility Program"), entitled "Research and training network in conservation, genetics", between UFS (PPG in Ecology and Conservation), UFG and the "PPG in Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wildlife" of the UFMG, supported by FAPITEC ("Sergipe State Research Support Foundation") in partnership with CAPES, started in 2018. Coordination: Prof. Dr. Sidney Gouveia, UFS.


PROCAD/CAPES - Cooperation with the PPG on "Biodiversity and Conservation" of the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), entitled "Biodiversity patterns in natural and altered environments", initiated in 2019. Coordination: Profa. Dr. Alana Aguiar, UFMA.


CNPq (Academic Cooperation and Doctoral Scholarships) - At the end of 2019, several projects were approved in the CNPq notice of academic cooperation, with 6 different institutions (UFS, UFMT, UFSM, UFU, UFVJM and UFPA). These projects were started, with the granting of 3 or 4 doctoral scholarships for the origin programs and the doctoral students of these PPGs should spend some time at UFG, collaborating with professors and students (the program was delayed due to the pandemic) .