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Publication Highlights 2017-2020

These are the most relevant production of students and posdoc directly associated with the program (2017-2020)


Brum et al. (2017). Global priorities for conservation across multiple dimensions of mammalian diversity, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS)


Rangel et al. (2018). Modeling the ecology and evolution of biodiversity: Biogeographical cradles, museums, and graves”, SCIENCE (see promotions videos in English).


Menegotto & Rangel (2018). Mapping knowledge gaps in marine diversity reveals a latitudinal gradient of missing species richness. Nature Communications.


Coelho et al (2019), Drivers of geographical patterns of North American language diversity Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 


Jiménez & Cianciaruso (2020) “Valuing Ecosystem Services Can Help to Save Seabirds”, Trends in Ecology & Evolution