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INCT in Biodiversity Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Coordination: Prof. Dr. José Alexandre Felizola Diniz Filho The first of these projects is the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) in "Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of Biodiversity" (EECBio) which aims to promote biodiversity studies at different spatial and temporal scales and levels of the biological hierarchy (from genes to landscape) through the development, application, evaluation and dissemination of innovative methods for data collection and analysis. The aim is thus to better understand the ecological and evolutionary processes involved in the origin and maintenance of biodiversity patterns, as well as the optimization of strategies for their conservation based on evidence on anthropogenic effects, especially caused by climate change, biological invasions and changes in the use of the soil. The EECBio is structured around 3 thematic axes: 1. Patterns of diversity at different levels of organization and scales of time and space; 2. Adaptation, ecological niche evolution and climate change; 3. Planning in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. More broadly, EECBio proposes to create, expand and strengthen cooperation networks between researchers and research groups in the 3 themes, facilitating the exchange of ideas in terms of methods, theories and subsidies for solving problems of conservation and implementation of public policy. Currently, the EECBio team has 125 researchers from 36 teaching and research institutions in Brazil and 36 foreign researchers from different countries, with emphasis on Spain, USA, England, Denmark, Canada and Mexico.



PELD "Determining factors of diversity, agreement and interannual persistence of animal and plant communities in the Cerrado (PELD ParnaEmas)" Location: Emas National Park Coordination: Prof. Dr. Marcus V. Cianciaruso The PELD ParnaEmas started in 2011 and is currently in its third phase (2017-2021). In the first years, conditions were established for the development of long-term projects (monitoring of fauna and flora): installation of a modern meteorological station, readjustment of the study base (laboratory and accommodation for researchers and students), establishment of 100 permanent plots and survey of the shrubby-arboreal flora (more than 3000 plants labeled and identified). In these plots the following taxonomic groups are monitored: moths, birds, amphibians, diptera and acari. Monitoring is carried out with annual collections in the dry and rainy seasons. Also, the project has an environmental education part that aims to disseminate not only the results of the project itself, but especially to train teachers in public schools in the municipalities that are around ParnaEmas (Mineiros and Chapadão do Céu). So far, two books on science dissemination and environmental education have been published, two training courses in environmental education have been held for public school teachers and park guides, and we have revitalized a trail aimed at visitors. We also launched the first volume of a pocket guide that covers different aspects of the fauna, flora and aspects of the Cerrado vegetation.



PELD “Functional Connectivity and Landscape Antropization: Case Study in FLONA Silvânia and Red River Microbasin” (COFA - Functional Connectivity and Antropização). Location: National Forest (FLONA) Silvania Coordination: Prof. Dr. Rosane Collevati The project analyzes the effects of landscape modifications and anthropogenic disturbances on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services in one of the most important regions for agribusiness in Brazil. The study area comprises the Red River microbasin, in the Central area of ​​the state of Goiás, within the core area of ​​the Cerrado biome. The focal area includes a conservation unit - the  Silvania National Forest, and the Silvania municipality  and its urban and rural residents. The project focuses on surveying aquatic biodiversity (fish, zooplankton and phytoplankton), invertebrates (bees and termites), vertebrates (anurans, reptiles, birds) and plants, and how biodiversity is affected by landscape modifications and the use of pesticides and fertilizers . The project uses molecular analysis methodologies in a context of “landscape genetics” to assess these effects of connectivity and anthropization, in an integrated ecological-evolutionary approach focused on environmental issues.


THEMATIC PROJECTS (CNpq) CNPq Call No. 25/2020  - Support for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research: Masters and Doctoral Scholarships



RESEARCH PROJECTS IN PROGRESS - All PPG professors participate or coordinate several CNPq and FAPEG projects, and of the total of 54 projects registered on the SUCUPIRA platform in 2017-2018, 44 of them have funding from CNPq (25), FAPEG (13), Fundação Boticário (2 ), CAPES (2), MMA (1), FAPDF (2) and FCT (1).