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Former Students


Former Doctoral Students that are now CNPq Productivity Researchers

- André Padial (UFPR)

- Sidney Gouveia (UFS)

- Leandro Juen (UFPA)

- Ricardo Dobrovolski (UFBA)

- Matheus Souza Lima Ribeiro (UFJ)


Former Students of the Program that are now faculty in public Universities

- André Padial (UFPR)

- Sidney Gouveia (UFS)

- Leandro Juen (UFPA)

- Ricardo Dobrovolski (UFBA)

- Matheus Souza Lima Ribeiro (UFJ)

- Diogo Provette (UFMS)

- Alessandro Ribeiro (IF Goiano)

- Daniel Paiva (IFG)

- Guilherme Oliveira (UFRB)

- Bruno Vilella (UFBA)

- Silvia Dutra (UFT)

- Rodrigo Assis (UEG)

- Fernanda Melo (UEG)

- Juliana Ferreira (UEG)

- Thiago Santos (UFVJM)

- Thiago Vieira (UFPA)

- Priscilla Lemes (UFMT)

- Vanessa Staggemeir (UFRN)


CAPES Evaluation Highlights

According to the new methodology of CAPES, we must indicate 5 former students that are now research or activity highlights, for two periods (last 5 years and last 10 years):


1) Between 2011-2015

- Matheus de Souza Lima Ribeiro (2013) – First thesis-CAPES Award, Professor at the newly created Federal University of Jataí (formerly a campus – regional – of UFG), is professor at PPG in Ecology and Evolution, research productivity scholarship holder at level 2 from CNpq and coordinator of one of the INCT EECBio projects. He works in the macroecology line, developing projects in niche modeling and quaternary extinctions. He was guided by Prof. Dr. José Alexandre F Diniz Filho.

- Sidney Feitosa Gouveia (2013) - Adjunct professor at the Department of Ecology at the Federal University of Sergipe, PQ scholarship holder from CNPq and coordinator of the PPG in Ecology & Conservation (at the time of the PPG doctorate approval). One of the researchers included in Serrapilheira's first public notice and coordinator of one of the INCT EECBio projects. In 2018-2019, he coordinated one of the Higher Studies Schools at CAPES, with the participation of Profs. José Alexandre and Fabricio Villalobos, from PPG, and coordinated the CAPES/FAPESE PROMOB project, an exchange program between UFS and UFG. He was guided by Prof. Dr. José Alexandre F Diniz Filho.

- Walter Araujo Santos (2015) – professor at the State University of Montes Claros (UNIMONTES), vice-coordinator of the PPG in Biodiversity and Use of the Institution's Natural Resources and has an excellent scientific production, with more than 40 articles published in the last 5 years . He was guided by Prof. Dr. Mario de Almeida Neto.

- Daniel de Paiva Silva (2014) – professor at the Federal Institute of Goiano, campus Urutaí, currently coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Conservation of Natural Resources in the Cerrado (Area of ​​Environmental Sciences at CAPES) and research productivity scholarship at level 2 at CNpq. He was guided by Prof. Dr. Paulo de Marco Jr.


2) Between 2016-2020

- Lilian Sales Macedo (2018) – Currently PNPD Fellow associated with the PPG in Ecology at UNICAMP, received an honorable mention in the CAPES thesis award in 2019 and has an excellent scientific production, with 26 articles published in the last 5 years in excellent journals level. It was guided by Prof. Dr. Rafael Loyola.

- Bruno Vilela de Moraes e Silva (2016) (UFBA) – Professor at the Federal University of Bahia and currently coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation, held PDSE at the University of Alcalá, having obtained from this stay a double degree with this institution, having carried out a post-doctorate at Washington University between 2016 and 2018. Researcher associated with the WG on Macroecology and Macroevolution of the INCT EECBio. He was guided by Profa. Dr. Levi Carina Terribile.

- Karine Borges Machado (2019) – Scholarship DTI-B from INCT EECBio, Dr. Karine has a strong performance with the INCT's Aquatic Ecology GT and has the greatest scientific production among graduates and students in the quadrennium, for this period of evaluation. It was guided by Prof. Dr. João Carlos Nabout.

- Daniel Zacarias (2017) – Professor at Eduardo Mondlane University, Inhambane School of Hotel and Tourism, and currently serving as Vice-Director for Research and Extension at his University. He was guided by Prof. Dr. Rafael Loyola.




Thesis and Dissertation of all former students of the program are available at the digital library of the University.
